Nastanitve, ki očarajo, so edinstvene in nas delajo uspešne
Gostje nam zaupajo že vrsto let
prvi začetki leta 1996
"Skrivnost spremembe je v tem, da se ne bojuješ s starim, temveč da vso svojo energijo osredotočiš na gradnjo novega."
Začni z majhnimi spremembami.
Vsak dodatek naj ima posebno mesto v prostoru. Naj bo tam z nekim namenom.
Poskrbi za kvalitetno spanje vaših gostov.
Kvalitetne brisače bodo zdržale dlje časa. Spran videz ne daje dobrega vtisa.
Razne dodatke lahko dobite po ugodni ceni v trgovinah Tedi, Pepco, Ikea, Mömax
Kvalitetne vzmetnice ter kvalitetna posteljnina (ZOLLNER).
Kvalitetne in cenovno ugodne brisače lahko kupite na ZOLLNER, MUNH.
Odzivi gostov
Preživela sva teden dni v lepem vremenu, v čudoviti naravi in v apartmaju, ki po domačnosti in gostoljubnosti prekaša vsa pričakovanja. Hvala za vse pozornosti, ki so nama polepšale dni pri vas. Rada se bova še vrnila.
Zahvaljujeva se za prijetno, domače in prijazno vzdušje, ki ste ga ustvarili v že tako prelepem okolju. V apartmaju se čuti pozitivna energija, ki je verjetno odraz domače ustvarjalnosti. Z veseljem se bova prav kmalu vrnila.
Odlično smo preživeli kratek oddih, apartmaji so zelo lepo urejeni. Hvala za vašo prijaznost, gostoljubje, piškotki so bili zelo okusni, medica odlična. Radi se bomo vračali. Ostanite takšni kot ste, res ste super!
Vsako novo leto je posebno doživetje, če pa ga preživiš v prijetni družbi in tako lepem ambientu ti še toliko bolj ostane v spominu. Z veseljem se bomo vrnili in vam zapeli našo himno.
Hvala za vsa sladka presenečenja, ki so popestrila najin dopust. Hvala za romantičen ambient v apartmaju in gostoljubje. Zagotovo se bova vrnila v ta prelepi gorski svet.
Tudi midva sva lani spregledala knjigo vtisov, zato pa morava letos napisati par besed ... v tem apartmaju se res lahko počutiš kot doma ... Še se bova vračala ... z veseljem ...Najlepša hvala za prijaznost in gostoljubnost.
V teh nekaj dneh smo doživeli veliko lepega, smučali smo na Pokljuki, na deževni dan drsali na Bledu. Božič je bil lep tudi zaradi lepih presenečenj, ki ste nam jih pripravili v apartmaju. Naj pohvalimo tudi vaš apartma, ki je izjemno lep in nudi vse, kar družina potrebuje, da se toplo in domače počuti. Zares, kot doma.
Hvala za sladko prisrčen sprejem ob našem prihodu in vso gostoljubje v času našega bivanja v vašem apartmaju. Kljub polarnemu mrazu smo se imeli lepo. "Samo srečen človek lahko osrečuje druge." (Phil Bosmans)
We are very grateful that we could stay 2 weeks in this beautiful apartment. We appreciate your kindness a lot and we wish you all the best in the future with the renting of the houses and everything else you do. You must be proud of yourself! This was a very nice holiday for us and we would like to come back as soon as possible.
You have a very nice apartment. With a lot of lovely details. We liked it here. Good luck with everything you do.
Tausend Dank für Eure herzliche Art, Eure tollen Tipps und die Möglichkeit Euer zauberhaftes Apartment zu genießen. Wir haben uns wie zu Hause gefühlt und haben nichts in der ganzen Zeit vermisst. Slovenia haben wir noch mehr liebgewonnen, so wie Euch! Vielen Dank für alles, wir kommen ganz sicher bald wieder!
Najin podaljšan vikend v Bohinju je bil čudovit, kljub nekaj kapljicam dežja. Apartma je domačen, topel in zelo dobro opremljen. Zagotovo se še vrneva.
It's very hard to leave this place. We felt like home immediately and really enjoyed staying here. It's so quiet and beautiful. We will miss it here, so thanks a lot!
Thank you to the Žmitek family for this perfect stay. We had never been in such a pleasant apartment, in such a perfect location. Keep on loving what you do, and thank you again. We hope to come back really soon.
We had such a wonderful stay in Slovenia. It was the mid-point in our vacation through Europe (12 countries) so we really enjoyed the chance to ride bikes or the beautiful bike paths, paddle on Lake Bohinj, and relax in the sun. George rented a fly rod in town and caught some beautiful trout. Great fly fishing! We are a bit sad to leave this wonderful apartment in beautiful Slovenia, but we hope to return some day. Thank you to the Žmitek family for your hospitality. We had such a fantastic time in your cozy apartment!
Dear family Žmitek, your apartment really felt like a second home to us. It is cosy, clean and everything works! After a long hike, it's really nice to come home to a place like this. This was our first time to Slovenia, but definitely not our last to this beautiful country and beautiful apartment.
Staying at your place in Bohinj felt like my new home. And even better than my old home with all the treats and extras I never have thought of. The Žmitek story is a special one. It is just an amazing place, with amazing hosts in an amazing valley. There are so many things to do and see here. From skiing in winter to enjoying the lake in summer, hikes to Mostnica, Črna prst, Voje, Zajamniki with its beautiful view and of course the view from Peč and Vogar and Vogel ... too many places to go. It's just a little piece of paradise which is completed by you.
Že naš drugi oddih v tej čudoviti hiški. Pohvaliti moramo čudovito urejenost in vse detajle. Naši otroci so zelo uživali zunaj v hiški.
Nam je zagodilo vreme, da nismo ostali načrtovanih 5 dni. Odhajamo s težkim srcem. Če bi sijal sonček, bi z veseljem še ostali v tej čudoviti butični hiški, kamor bi se človek kar preselil.
Thank you so much for these wonderful days at your nice cottage, it was the best one we ever had. Best wishes.
Kratek oddih v Stari Fužini je bil prekrasen tudi zaradi čudovitih detajlov in domačnosti v vaši hiški. Vsak dan smo odkrili kakšno novo presenečenje, zunanja hiška za otroke pa je sploh nekaj najboljšega. Hvala za vse!
We had an incredible time here in Stara Fužina. Maruša could not have been more helpful and the house is so comfortable! It provided everything we needed. We will visit again for sure!
A magical mountain paradise! Thank you for sharing it with us. We don't want to leave. Until next time, hopefully!
Thank you for the warm welcome in this cosy house of yours. We had a wonderful time here in Slovenia especially this particular region of Bohinj. We will definitely recommend your house to others who want to travel here.
Thank you for a lovely 4 nights in your beautiful apartment. Perfect size and space for a family of 4 and the beds are super comfortable. We hope to visit again!
Thank you for the warm welcome and the wonderful time we had in this beautiful apartment. It is really furnished with a lot of love and we did not miss anything. It is just so wonderfully quiet here and we all slept like babies.
Draga družina Žmitek, pri vas smo preživeli čudovit teden. Vaša gostoljubnost nima primere. Apartma je čudovit. Počutili smo se kot v lastnem domu. Maruša, nadaljujte v tem duhu! Hvala vam za vse!
Danke, dass es diese schöne Unterkunft gibt! Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit hier und haben den Aufenthalt sehr genossen. Vielen Dank Maruša und Deiner Familie!
We really enjoyed our stay here, such a beautiful area! We appreciate the well stocked apartment, so many thoughtful details! Love from an Australian/British couple living in Budapest!
Zopet smo uživali v vašem gostoljubju, v čudoviti naravi in prekrasnem apartmaju. Hvala vam za vse! Apartma nas vsakič preseneti s tem kako lepo je opremljen, pa vsi ti mali detajli...Čudovito!
Imeli smo se zelo lepo v prečudovitem apartmaju, uživali smo v lepotah Gorenjske. Hvala vam za vse. Upamo, da se še kdaj vrnemo.
Thanks for the warm welcome and stay in your beautiful apartment. We really love and appreciate all the details, cookies, great bed etc! Everything we needed! We will miss this place. Best wishes for all of you!
Thank you for your hospitality! The apartment is very nice, with great attention to details. A high chair, baby bath and even a baby towel for our little girl was absolutely perfect! We had a great time. We wish you all the best for the future.
Dear Maruša, we had an amazing stay at your place. Everything about the apartment was wonderful, the decorations, the comfy beds, the cookies and the view from the balcony. So much peace and quiet. Wish you all the best.
Dear Maruša, thank you for this beautiful apartment, with a stunning view! We loved it so much. Also we had a huge step in our relationship too so it will be really memorable trip. I hope we will meet again soon. Best wishes.
Draga Maruša, kot vedno smo se imeli tudi tokrat čudovito. Hvala lepa za vso prijaznost in gostoljubje. Tudi ta apartma je čudovit, s toliko lepimi detajli in pozornostmi. Vsekakor se ponovno vrnemo in preživimo počitnice v vaših prelepih krajih.
Thank you very much for everything, Maruša & family! Our stay here was memorable and we loved every single thing about your place and Bohinj area! We are really looking forward to our next visit here in the future, and hopefully attract many people back home to falling in love with Slovenia the way we did.
Many thanks for a great stay. The flat is exceptional including all the small touches. Fabulous Bohinj area. You are very lucky to live here.
What a lovely place you have! We really have enjoyed our stay and have appreciated all the small details and attentions. You are a great host!!
Želiš kaj izboljšati, spremeniti, nadgraditi?
ne čakaj na jutri. naredi prvi korak k spremembi.
Trenutni projekt
Nuditi gostom višji standard nastanitve, pri čemer poskrbimo za udobje ter dobro počutje z vključitvijo naravnih elementov kot so naplavine, mah, veliko lesa, ki daje občutek topline ter nas povezuje z naravo.
Želim, da celotna hiša odraža pozitivno energijo, ki se prepleta iz ene sobe v drugo. Želim nuditi sproščeno okolje brez zunanjih vplivov, prostor, kjer se umakneš, se povežeš z naravo in samim seboj ter se napolniš z energijo in na novo začneš.
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